EU-Regulations / CSRD Compliance / Taxonomy

CSRD Regulatory Compliance

Being compliant and leveraging the requirements positively for your business

CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), EU Taxonomy or Supply Chain Diligence Act: European requirements are becoming more and more stringent. Building on voluntary frameworks like the GRI the latest regulations are asking for increased transparency and data maturity across value chains.

At eolos, we know the pressure for companies and TIER 1 suppliers: to be in time with the preparation, data consolidation along functions as well as development of a suitable ESG strategy.

3. are there reg watch logos we could add?

CSRD Regulatory Compliance

European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) Analysis

European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) Analysis

Building your CSRD compliant sustainability report based on an ESRS gap analysis, tailor-made for SMEs to large companies
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Double Materiality Assessment & Matrix

Double Materiality Assessment & Matrix

DMM tailored to your company, by identifying your stakeholder’s most relevant ESG topics regarding impact, risk and opportunity. Structure your sustainability reporting by identifying your specific disclosure requirements, and align on your ESG positioning by leveraging dialogue-based methods
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EU Taxonomy analysis

EU taxonomy compass

Analyzing and calculating the proportion of your activities, eligible and aligned according to the EU Taxonomy and identifying the key measures to reinforce these proportions
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Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCDDA) compliance

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCDDA) compliance

Supporting you in assessing supply chain risks, implementing responsible sourcing practices, and ensuring mandatory transparency throughout the procurement process according to existing and incoming regulations like CSDD
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European and national regulatory watch

European and national regulatory watch

Analyzing the European and national legal framework and upcoming environmental regulations that could impact your activities for you to manage your risk exposure and identify business opportunities
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Product-related regulations

Product-related regulations

Analyzing the regulations which will affect your products (Ecodesign requirements, Digital product passports, AGEC law, PEP Ecopassport) and their components (Critical Raw Materials Act, PFAS, SVHC, ROHS, REACH…)
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From the industry, for the industry

Beyond compliance: How do we convert requirements into opportunities?

Regulatory compliance is just the first step towards a sustainable and economic future for your company.  We translate the range of environmental regulations, integrating the specific industry targets and topics, as well as competitor and customer benchmarks 

Our approach and expertise are guided by the principles of the Circular Economy. Get ready for your tailor-made Circular Economy strategy or start working on your SBTi roadmap with us! We go for collaborative and well-managed processes with all relevant stakeholders, functions, and experts in your company.

Your eolos experts

Baptiste Grüss

Consultant & Env. Policy Regulations Expert

A good understanding makes concrete and positive action possible

They trust us

Customer stories

Product Environmental Declarations

Over a 4-month sprint, we achieved AGEC Law compliance for Ariston through systematic regulatory analysis, collaboration with electrical system experts, and identification of knowledge gaps. We consolidated relevant information for compliant disclosure.

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